GAEA online CE webinar for September 27th
Tax Stuff You Thought You Knew (but maybe didn't)
Ryan Reichert, EA, CFP
Webinar Fees are: $15 for NAEA members, $30 for non-members.
Ryan Reichert covers the gamut of things we might be doing wrong, opportunities we may have missed or issues we didn't have a chance to thoroughly investigate. This never-ending tax season presents many opportunities for amended tax returns and other revenue streams. We won't waste time going through all the details you already know. We will skip right to those things you may be getting wrong.
The webinar will be conducted using the Zoom videoconferencing application. We strongly urge that you use the Zoom app to attend the meeting as we use the chat room in the app to record time-stamped "sign-in" info to verify attendance for CE credit.
The Zoom room will "open" at 11:45 a.m. to give everyone time to download the software, test their audio and video and be admitted to the room by the hosts. You will be able to chat with other attendees during the 11:45 to noon period. The webinar itself will run from noon until 1:00 p.m.
Registration for the webinar will close at midnight Sunday, the 25th to give us time to set up the registration list and prepare to host the webinar.
Only advance online registration is available for this webinar. No same-day sign-ups can be accommodated.
By registering for this webinar you consent to receive webinar-related e-mails from GAEA, including registration reminders, links to the webinar and post-webinar e-mailing of the CE certificate and evaluation form and information about upcoming tax CE webinars.
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© 2022, Georgia Association of Enrolled Agents, Inc. The Georgia Association of Enrolled Agents is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization.