
  • December 16, 2020 12:03 PM | Chet Burgess

    The IRS has advised taxpayers to prepare for new sections on their 2020 tax returns, such as reconciliation of the EIP "stimulus payment."

    Details at:

  • September 30, 2020 1:10 PM | Chet Burgess

    Word from several tax organizations from contacts inside the IRS is that Memphis and Ogden will begin accepting electronic signatures on Forms 2848 and 8821 in January.  The forms will have to be uploaded through an new IRS portal.  Details still to come.

    Chet Burgess

  • August 09, 2020 8:03 AM | Chet Burgess

    On Monday, August 10, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) will begin helping taxpayers locate missing EIP payments.

    TAS wll assist taxpayers with six specific types of situations, outlined in the following posting on the TAS blog:

    The Taxpayer Advocate office for Georgia is located in Atlanta, and can be reached by phone at 404-338-8099 or by fax at 855-822-1232.

  • August 04, 2020 2:18 PM | Chet Burgess

    The IRS has just released its annual list of the Dirty Dozen tax scams to alert taxpayer and tax pros.  The Dirty Dozen for 2020 are:

    • Phising
    • Fake Charities
    • Threatening Impersonator Phone Calls
    • Social Media Scams
    • Economic Impact Payments or Refund Thefts
    • Senior Fraud
    • Scams Targeting non-English Speakers
    • Unscrupulous Tax Return Preparers
    • Offer in Compromise Mills
    • Fake Payments with Repayment Demands
    • Payroll and HR Scams
    • Ransomware

    Click here to find the details on the IRS web site.

  • July 06, 2020 1:24 PM | Chet Burgess

    The Kiplinger Tax Letter quotes sources at the Internal Revenue Service as saying the Modernized E-File system will add the capability to electronically file amended 2019 tax returns by late this summer.

    Currently, all amended returns must be filed on paper, and return processing has been substantially delayed by the coronavirus shutdown at the IRS.

    Currently, only 2019 amended returns (Form 1040X) are planned to be accepted electronically.

  • June 02, 2020 12:36 PM | Chet Burgess



    May 29, 2020

    ATLANTA - The Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) announced today that in-person customer service will reopen on Monday, June 1, 2020 by appointment only.

    "While the Department never closed due to COVID-19, in-person services were temporarily suspended. I am pleased to be able to reopen to the public on Monday while making sure the necessary measures are in place to protect the safety of employees and visitors," stated Revenue Commissioner David Curry.

     To make an appointment with the Taxpayer Services Division, the Alcohol and Tobacco Division, the Motor Vehicle Division, or at one of DOR's 11 regional offices, Georgians should visit the Department's website at

    Please note that visitors to the Department are strongly encouraged to wear face masks while in a DOR facility.   

  • May 08, 2020 1:01 PM | Chet Burgess

    Coronavirus Tax Relief

    IRS has a special webpage dedicated to Coronavirus Tax Relief. Information is updated regularly. Please visit and bookmark to stay current on the latest guidance for Coronavirus Tax Relief. You can also input “coronavirus” in the search bar on the IRS webpage.

    Employer Credits

    Many businesses affected by COVID-19 may qualify for 3 employer Credits; Employee Retention Credit, Paid Sick and Family leave credit. See:  Employee Retention Credit FAQ's and Tax Credits for required paid leave-faqs

    Form 7200 – Errors

    Employers who are filing Form 7200, Advance Payment of Employer Credits due to COVID-19, must read the instructions carefully to avoid errors. Mistakes can result in a processing delay, which means it may take longer to get the advanced payment. A Form 7200 recorded product line is available in English and Spanish - 833-551-3588.


    Form and Instructions for 7200

    Economic Impact Payment – how long is the payment available

    Payments will be made throughout the rest of 2020. If you don’t receive a payment this year, you can claim it by filing a tax return for 2020 next year.

    Get My Payment- RAL/RAC

    Some taxpayers file their tax return and may choose a refund settlement product. to help them pay their fees, get their refund immediately or even load the refund onto a direct debit card. In these situations, taxpayers may utilize a Refund Anticipation Loan (RAL) or a Refund Anticipation Check (RAC). If the refund settlement product or the associated account is closed or no longer active, the bank is required to reject the deposit and return it to the IRS. See FAQ: My EIP was sent to an account I don't recognize for more information


  • May 07, 2020 12:30 PM | Chet Burgess

    The IRS continues to update the FAQs on Below are some of the most common ones we have been asked. Please help us get the word out to SSI and VA benefit recipients about using the IRS Non-Filers tool by May 5th to add $500 to their Economic Impact Payments, if they have eligible children. I’m attaching images and including some tweets that can be shared and used on social media. Let me know if you post any so that I can share that my stakeholders are helping us to get these messages out to everyone.

    •  ALERT: If you’re an SSI benefit recipient with dependent children and didn’t file taxes for 2018 or 2019, register by May 5 to receive the full amount of your Economic Impact Payment from #IRS: #COVIDreliefIRS
    •  SSI and VA benefit recipients who don’t normally file a tax return and have children must act soon to quickly receive the full amount of their Economic Impact Payments automatically from #IRS. The deadline is May 5: #COVIDreliefIRS
    Economic Impact Payments continue to be sent, check for answers to common questions

     IR-2020-85, April 30, 2020

    WASHINGTON — As Economic Impact Payments continue to be successfully delivered, the Internal Revenue Service today reminds taxpayers that includes answers to many common questions, including help to use two recently launched Economic Impact Payment tools.

    The IRS is regularly updating the Economic Impact Payment and the Get My Payment tool frequently asked questions pages on as more information becomes available.

    Get My Payment shows the projected date when a deposit has been scheduled. Information is updated once daily, usually overnight, so people only need to enter information once a day. Those who did not use direct deposit on their 2018 or 2019 tax return can use the tool to input information to receive the payment by direct deposit into their bank account, so that they can get their money faster.

    The Non-Filers Enter Payment Info tool is helping millions of taxpayers successfully submit basic information to receive Economic Impact Payments quickly to their bank accounts. This tool is designed only for people who are not required to submit a tax return. It is available in English through Free File Fillable Forms and in Spanish through ezTaxReturn. 

    Frequently asked questions continually updated on

    Taxpayers should check the FAQs often for the latest additions; many common questions are answered on already, and more are being developed. Here are answers to some of the top questions people are asking.

    Get My Payment says that my Economic Impact Payment was sent to an account I don't recognize. Why is that, and how do I get my payment?

    When some taxpayers file their tax return, they may choose an option available from their tax preparer or software provider to help them pay their fees, get their refund more immediately or even load the refund onto a direct debit card. This group of different products is referred to as refund settlement products. In these situations, taxpayers may:

    ·       Use a banking product to help them complete the tax filing transaction, sometimes referred to as a Refund Anticipation Loan (RAL) or a Refund Anticipation Check (RAC).

    ·       Choose to have their tax refund loaded onto a debit card provided by a variety of groups in the tax and financial communities. 

    When you filed your tax return, if you chose a refund settlement product for direct deposit purposes, you may have received a prepaid debit card. In some cases, your Economic Impact Payment may have been directed to the bank account associated with the refund settlement product or prepaid debit card.

    If the refund settlement product or the associated account is closed or no longer active, the bank is required to reject the deposit and return it to the IRS. Once the returned payment to the IRS is processed, the "Get My Payment" app will be updated.

    Once the returned payment is processed by the IRS, the payment will automatically be mailed to the address on the 2019 or 2018 tax return, or the address on file with the U.S. Postal Service – whichever is more current. The status in Get My Payment will update accordingly. Timing of this process depends on several variables, including when and how the payments are rejected and returned to the IRS, when "Get My Payment" updates, and when taxpayers check the tool.

    The IRS also noted that it has resolved a reporting error that some taxpayers may have experienced, which inaccurately indicated rejected payments were being sent back to the same taxpayer account a second time. They are actually being mailed to the taxpayers. The IRS has quickly taken steps to correct this reporting error. "Get My Payment" was updated starting Tuesday, April 21 to reflect that the taxpayer's payment has actually been mailed, and not rerouted to a closed bank account.

    Why am I receiving an error message when entering my personal information or tax information?

    To ensure the information is entered correctly, please use the help tips provided when entering the information requested to verify your identity. If the information you enter does not match our records, you will receive an error message. Check the information requested to ensure you entered it accurately.

    You may want to check your most recent tax return or consider if there is a different way to enter your street address (for example, 123 N Main St vs 123 North Main St). You may also verify how your address is formatted with the US Postal Service (USPS) by entering your address in the USPS ZIP Lookup tool, and then enter your address into Get My Payment exactly as it appears on file with USPS.

    If you receive an error when entering your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), refund amount, or amount you owed, make sure you are entering the numbers exactly as they appear on your Form 1040 or tax transcript. If the numbers from your 2019 tax return are not accepted, try the numbers from your 2018 tax return instead.

    If the information you enter does not match our records three times within 24 hours, you will be locked out of Get My Payment for 24 hours for security reasons. You will be able to access the application again after 24 hours. There is no need to contact the IRS.

    I think the amount of my Economic Impact Payment is incorrect. What can I do?

    If you did not receive the full amount to which you believe you are entitled, you will be able to claim the additional amount when you file your 2020 tax return. This is particularly important for individuals who may be entitled to the additional $500 per qualifying child dependent payments.

    For VA and SSI recipients who don't have a filing requirement and have a child, they need to use the Non-Filers tool on by May 5 in order to have the $500 added automatically to their $1,200 Economic Impact payment. We encourage people to review our "How do I calculate my EIP Payment" question and answer.

    Quick links to the Frequently Asked Questions on

    ·       Economic Impact Payments:

    ·       Get My Payment tool:

    No action needed by most taxpayers

    Eligible taxpayers who filed tax returns for 2019 or 2018 will receive the payments automatically. Starting this week, automatic payments are going to those receiving Social Security retirement, or disability (SSDI), and Railroad Retirement benefits, and recipients of SSI and Veterans Affairs or survivor benefits should receive their payments by mid-May.

    Watch out for scams related to Economic Impact Payments

    The IRS urges taxpayers to be on the lookout for scams related to the Economic Impact Payments. To use the new app or get information, taxpayers should visit People should watch out for scams using email, phone calls or texts related to the payments. Be careful and cautious: The IRS will not send unsolicited electronic communications asking people to open attachments, visit a website or share personal or financial information. Remember, go directly and solely to for official information.

  • March 19, 2020 1:34 PM | Chet Burgess

    Under instruction from the President and Secretary of the Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service has granted a 90-day extension for the filing of personal tax returns and payment of tax that is due on April15th of 2020.  That means personal tax returns or extensions do not have to be filed until July 15th and taxes due on individual or business tax returns do not have to be paid until July 15th. The IRS is also waiving all potential penalties or interest on those payments.  The payment extension covers personal tax amounts due of up to $1-million, and corporate tax amounts of up to $10-million.

    The payment extension also covers estimated tax payments that are due on April 15, 2020.

    The IRS has not yet indicated whether a personal tax extension will extend until October 15th or January 15th, 2021.

    Also, the IRS has closed all personal tax assistance centers in the United States until further notice.

    Details of taxpayer relief under the Presidential declaration of emergency are available on the IRS web site:

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